PS performance wise it might be 'heavier' on your setup than vividian enb, if you want decent performance without completely turning off effects, I'd recommend disabling supersampling and tuning down the SizeScale & SourceTexturesScale values under Reflection and SSAO. I should probably mention that I am used to using Quick Light (Wearable Lanterns alternative) for looting purposes in dungeons and caves though. If ELFX v3 makes interiors too dark, increase AmbientLightingInterior and.

Changing the brightness settings for interiors and nights in the Vivid Weathers MCM did a decent job with other darker ENBs, but after switching to Organic ENB I set the VW MCM options back to default. I wasnt completely happy with any of the ENB preset choices so Ill go over. It comes with an increased brightness option but so far I've been using the default settings and the lighting seems to be quite balanced. Not using Claralux, but I also switched to Organic ENB v2 for Vivid Weathers this week.